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SoftBank Corp.

『Information Revolution』

Telecommunications, IT

Universal Recruitment

The launch of “Universal Recruitment” Aimed at making our vision to be the world’s No.1 company a reality At SoftBank, we are constantly pursuing challenges with the aim of realizing our vision to be the world’s No.1 company, and one that will continue to grow for 300 years. Human resources are key to creating a company which will continue to grow for 300 years. We want talented people who can play key roles in the future and those who take responsibility for considering and choosing their own career paths, utilizing their potential to the fullest with a sense of purpose. We believe that a system in which companies hire the people who are needed, when they are needed is true “universal recruitment.” Building on this conviction, SoftBank is launching a “Universal Recruitment” system. Unlike the conventional mass recruitment system of new graduates in Japan, the “Universal Recruitment” system put forward by SoftBank opens the door widely to people who are eager to take up a challenge and pursue their own goals with sense of purpose, without being restricted by conventional recruitment schedules. Universal Recruitment is also open to candidates regardless of whether they are due to graduate in the near future or have already graduated. Those who already have professional experience are also welcome to take on another challenge. SoftBank offers a wide range of recruiting programs, including the “No. 1 Recruitment” program and work experience-based internships. These allow candidates to navigate the selection process in a way that shows off their skills and attributes to the fullest. We look forward to applications from candidates who identify with our corporate philosophy, “Information Revolution – Happiness for everyone,” and are passionate about contributing to humanity’s future.

ユニバーサル採用 スタート -世界No.1の実現に向けて- 世界No.1、そして300年続く会社の実現に向け、ソフトバンクは挑戦を続けています。 300年続く会社を築くには、人財こそが非常に大切な鍵です。 将来を担う人財には、自分の可能性を限定せず、意思を持って主体的に進路を考え、選んでほしい。企業は、必要な時に、必要な人財を採用する。それを実現するのが、本来あるべき普遍的(ユニバーサル)な採用だと確信し、ソフトバンクは「ユニバーサル採用」をスタートします。 ソフトバンクが提唱する「ユニバーサル採用」では、日本の従来の新卒一括採用とは異なり、挑戦する意欲ある方には広く門戸を開き、自由な時期に自己の意思で活動を行えるようにします。また、募集対象は新卒・既卒は問わず、一度就職をした方でも、再度挑戦することが可能です。ソフトバンクではNo.1採用や就労体験型のインターンシップなど、多岐にわたる選考プログラムを設けており、自己の最適なアピール方法で選考に臨んでいただけます。 情報革命で人々を幸せに。 この経営理念に共感し、人類の未来に貢献したいという熱い思いを持った皆さんからのご応募を、心よりお待ちしております。
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