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Kyoto English Career Fair(Doshisha University)

開催日時 2014/11/11 15:00 〜
申込締切 2014/11/11 15:00 まで
開催場所 Doshisha University Kambaikan B1/F
主催 京都地域留学生交流推進協議会&滋賀県留学生交流推進会議

Kyoto English Career Fair for Bilingual English Speakers


2014.11.11(Tue) 15:00-17:00 (Doors Open 14:30)


Doshisha University Kambaikan B1/F


3 minutes-walk from "Imadegawa" station of the Subway Karasuma line


15:00-15:30) Company Presentation

15:30-17:00) Job Fair

■Participating Companies

・Fujitsu - One of the top IT service and manufacturing companies in the world.

・NTN Corporation - A manufacturing company, being one of the largest exporter of

friction-reducing products.

・Mabuchi Motor - World's number one manufacturer of small electric motors.

・Toshiba Corporation - Japan's leading multinational conglomerate company involved in

many fields of industry.


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