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Toray Industries, Inc.

『Innovation by Chemistry』


Corporate data

Company name企業名
Toray Industries, Inc.
Business overview概要・事業内容
Toray Group is an integrated chemical industry group developing its business in 26 countries and regions worldwide.

Toray Group fuses nanotechnology into its operations, using organic synthetic chemistry, polymer chemistry and biotechnology as its core technologies. In addition to the Foundation Businesses of fibers & textiles and plastics & chemicals, Toray likewise promotes the global development of IT-related products, carbon fiber composite materials, pharmaceuticals and medical products, environment & engineering including water treatment and progress in other pivotal business fields.
Sales rate of the Company
outside Japan海外売上比率
Number of Offices
outside Japan拠点
We have established bases in 26 countries and areas (U.S., Europe, India, Brazil, China, Korea, the ASEAN area: Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand & others)
List of Offices outside Japan海外拠点数及び一覧
Rate of Foreigners in the
Japanese Headquarters office日本本社 外国人比率
Rate of Japanese Staffs with the
experience of studying abroad日本人社員の留学経験者比率
Company's average
TOEIC scoreTOEIC平均スコア
English HP英語ホームページ
Phone number電話番号
Official web site